General Sonography Admission Process

Application Deadline Reminders

January 31 –  for the next Summer semester (May)

Application Procedure

All students must:

  1. Submit a Jackson College application.
  2. Submit a completed DMS Advising Fact Sheet.
  3. Submit a completed General Sonography Application Form. 这份申请和申请费必须提交给你的学生成功导航员.
  4. Be a high school graduate or successfully complete the G.E.D. test.
  5. 向杰克逊大学招生办公室转发所有以前就读的大学的成绩单. Only OFFICIAL transcripts are accepted. It is your responsibility to confirm that your transcripts are on file.
  6. 符合联合卫生部门的准入技术标准和诊断医学超声全球网络赌博平台所需的技术标准和功能.

Complete application procedure and detailed information can be found in the application forms.

Due to the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA), at this time we cannot offer online courses and/or clinical externships in California.  如果你只能在上面列出的州参加临床实习(所有DMS全球网络赌博平台的要求), and you are unable to relocate to a participating SARA state, you will be unable to complete a degree in any of our DMS program offerings. If you are willing to relocate to a SARA member state, please contact the Allied Health office at 517.768.7007.


Technical Standards for Admission

联合健康科学系教师指定了以下非学术标准,申请人通常需要满足这些标准才能参加联合健康科学系的全球网络赌博平台和专业实践. 这些技术标准是必要和必要的,并且已经制定,以提供从联合卫生部门全球网络赌博平台学生接受护理的病人的健康和安全.


The applicant must be able to participate in all demonstrations, 在临床部分进行实验室练习和临床实习,并评估和理解所有指定接受检查的患者的病情, diagnosis and treatment.


申请人必须能够与患者沟通,有效地引出患者的依从性, understand and assess non-verbal communications; and be able to effectively transmit information to patients, physicians, paraprofessionals, faculty and staff in a timely way.


The applicant must have motor functions sufficient to elicit information from patients by appropriate diagnostic or therapeutic maneuvers; be able to perform basic tasks; possess all necessary skills to carry out diagnostic or therapeutic procedures; be able to interpret movements reasonably required to provide general care and emergent treatment/actions as necessary for patient safety and comfort.

Intellectual / Conceptual Integrative and Quantitative Abilities

The applicant must be able to measure, calculate, reason, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information and observations. Problem solving, the critical skill demanded of Allied Health Practitioners, requires all of these cognitive abilities. In addition, 申请人必须能够理解三维结构和理解这些结构的空间关系.

Behavior and Social Attributes

The applicant must possess the emotional health required for full utilization of intellectual abilities; execute appropriate medical judgment; the prompt completion of assigned or non-assigned responsibilities for care of and service to the patient; and the development of supportive and effective relationships with patients. Applicants must be able to tolerate physical and mental work loads, function effectively under stress, adapt to changing environments and conditions, 在面对临床环境和患者固有的不确定性时表现出灵活性和功能. Compassion, integrity, concern for others, 兴趣和动力是每个申请人应该具备的个人品质.

Admission is not Guaranteed.

Technical Standards and Functions that are Required to Successfully Complete a Degree / Certificate Program in Diagnostic Medical Sonography.

Standards Functions

视觉足以区分灰度和颜色的深浅,并观察诊断实时图像. Vision sufficient to delineate ill-defined structures, borders, anatomical structures and pathological entities in three-dimensional projections. 利用实时超声系统扫描,从异常病理实体中勾画出正常的解剖结构.
Vision sufficient to be able to read and accurately complete reports and charts. Reading and completing of charts, reports and interpretation of requisitions.
Speech sufficient to be understood by others; ability to understand the communication of others. Communicating with patients, and other health care professionals.
Hearing sufficient to differentiate Doppler signals. 对解剖动脉和静脉结构进行多普勒检查,诊断异常血流和病理状态.
视觉和身体协调能力足以准确地执行扫描任务, efficiently and safely. 操纵换能器同时观察实时图像并进行诊断研究.
足够的精细运动功能和协调来执行涉及操作扫描探针的任务, instrument panels, patient position and safety. Obtaining diagnostic real-time images for diagnostic interpretation.
足够的肌肉力量,腰部和膝盖的稳定性,以安全的方式处理病人. Lifting and transferring of patients, physically assisting patients, moving and manipulation of ultrasonography systems.
足够的心理稳定性和技术/资源知识,能够在紧急情况下适当有效地做出反应,以尽量减少与患者或环境相关的危险后果. Recognizing and responding appropriately in emergency situations.
Ability to sit or stand for extended periods of time, up to 7-8 hours per day. Scanning requires sitting or standing for extended periods of time.
Ability to learn technical, medical, and pathophysiological information. 完成全球网络赌博平台的临床和教学部分需要学习能力.