关于 the Theatres

全球网络赌博平台全球网络赌博平台是由该地区最多功能和最完整的表演艺术综合体组成的. 分开来看,这三个剧院的设计、建造和设备都很好. 作为一个完整的艺术综合体,教育和娱乐的可能性是无限的.

Michael Baughman Theatre

The Baughman Theatre, in a combination of conventional and continental seating patterns, seats a total of 403 persons, including 10 wheelchair spaces.

整体, 舞台有35英尺深,92英尺宽,舞台前部有46英尺宽,23英尺高. 通过在舞台地板上使用三个活板门,提高了表演的灵活性, 再加上两个通过座位区的舞台入口和一个可容纳44名音乐家的电梯式管弦乐队坑. 除了, 有47根平衡管可以用来飞窗帘, 风景, stage lights and even people.

在座位区上方,有五个相互连接的走道,扬声器在上面, follow spots and additional stage lights can be positioned. 控制室位于最后一排座位的后面和上面. 它们为操作电脑照明控制台的技术人员提供了绝佳的有利位置.

Support facilities include a total of four dressing rooms, 设备齐全的服装和场景商店和具有特殊地板的造型舞蹈工作室, mirrored walls and dance bars.

Harold Sheffer Music Hall

这个宽敞的音乐厅/剧院可容纳1,549名观众,其中包括20名轮椅观众. 有1个,046个座位加上下层或乐团层的轮椅位, while the balcony, or Grand Tier, contains 483 seats. 有时, 37 additional seats can be placed on the orchestra lift, at audience level, for a maximum total of 1,586个座位. 每一层都包含外部大厅,可以欣赏到全球网络赌博平台的壮观景色.

The overall stage dimensions measure 45 feet deep by 100 feet wide, while the proscenium opening measures 56 feet wide by 31 feet, eight inches high. 剧院设有一个可容纳80名音乐家的大型电梯式管弦乐队池.

音乐厅的技术特色之一是一系列的六个相互连接的t台, located above the Orchestra Level seating, from which are mounted numerous stage lighting luminaries. 位于Grand Tier楼上的是一个宽敞的跟随点摊位. The three interconnected control booths (sound, 视听和照明)位于乐团层的后方.

Incorporating 75 counterbalanced pipes for flying draperies, scenic drops, 演讲者, and stage lighting equipment, 音乐厅甚至有能力为百老汇最大的巡回演出公司演出. 电脑控制的照明控制台有200个存储器,一个视觉显示单元和252个调光器.

除了一个完整的声学外壳外壳的舞台, 剧院包含30个可调节的反射板和7个电动窗帘,以控制和调节房屋的声学效果. 因此, 混响时间可以改变,以调整声学,以适应不同的要求和风格的戏剧和音乐演示.

剧院还包括一个配有舞池的完整排练室, 镜面墙和一个优秀的环境,舞蹈和音乐节目和课程. 房间包含可调节的声学面板,可以很容易地从吸收面转换为反射面. 排练室有自己的洗手间设施和音乐图书馆夹层,除了声音与音乐厅隔离之外.

最后, for the performing artists, 音乐厅共有七间化妆间,其中五间用于合唱, two for “stars,“工作人员的更衣室和设施,以及为旅行艺术家准备的食堂和洗衣房. The “star” dressing room is carpeted with a sofa and casual chairs. 这里还提供电话线路和电脑连接,供艺人或他们的经纪人使用.

Ruth Day Theatre

露丝M. Day Theatre is a multiple form, experimental theatre. By incorporating fixed seating on eight movable units, 剧院可分为四种标准舞台结构:竞技场, 推力, Center Aisle and Proscenium. To accommodate the various technical requirements of music, dance and drama, 房子上方有12条相互连接的天桥,连接到灯光和音响亭. For additional flexibility, 剧院配备了四个可调节的声学窗帘,可以很容易地将房间的声学从反射表面改变为吸收表面. 日剧院的座位容量根据演出风格而变化, but generally seats 104, 126, 168 or 184 persons.

Robert Snyder Dining Room

Located on the first floor of Potter Center, 新改建的罗伯特·斯奈德餐厅是举办婚宴的绝佳场所, banquets and other special events. Most events range from 200 – 275 individuals. The maximum capacity is 360. This allows for an area for dancing and a band or DJ. The Potter Center Patio may be reserved for an additional cost.